John Wick

Bloody is the order of the day for “John Wick”. This vehicle serves as a great comeback to action for Keanu Reeves. 

“John Wick” is an ex-hit man who comes out of retirement when shortly after his wife’s funeral he is beaten and his little puppy dog is killed all for his high performance Ford Mustang that he refuses to sell. Little do the thugs know who they are dealing with or what they have gotten themselves involved in. The story unfolds from there…

“John Wick” is gritty, bloody, action-packed and a throw-back to gangster style movies, but with a fresh take.

There is a plot and story; you just have to give the movie time to formulate everything into a nice neat package.

If you like Action/Assassin type movies, “John Wick” is your movie.

This is a 3 1/2 star movie

The Judge

In “The Judge”, big city attorney Hank Palmer (Robert Downey Jr.) is summoned back to the Indiana town he grew up in when he is informed that his mother has died. Once he returns to his childhood home Hank attempts to reconnect with his estranged Dad, “The Judge” (Robert Duvall) and re-establish a relationship with the family he walked away from.

Judge Palmer (Robert Duvall) ends up getting arrested for attempted murder when his vintage Cadillac strikes and kills a recently released ex-con that he himself once convicted. The story unfolds from there…

“The Judge” is not a bad movie, but it takes way too long to get to the point. Family dysfunction is the order of the day with the Palmer family. This is played out throughout the movie.

There are at least 5 smaller stories playing out in the movie involving a high school romance rekindled, a mentally challenged younger brother, past transgressions of a father, possible incest and an impending divorce. None of these scenarios have anything to do with the story at hand. This all causes the movie to be disjointed.

There is plenty of star power in “The Judge”, too bad it’s not fully utilized.

This is a 2 1/2 Star Movie!

Gone Girl

“Oh My Gosh!!”, “Gone Girl” is jaw dropping good!! The mystery of it all is insane!! The plot and story are out of this world crazy!! The movie is based on the best-selling novel by Gillian Flynn.

“Gone Girl” is about the ups and downs of a modern marriage. On their fifth wedding anniversary Nick Dunne (Affleck) finds himself contacting the police because he comes home and finds what appears to look like a struggle of some kind took place in his home and his wife is missing…The story unfolds from there…

Straight away it looks like “Been there done that”, but WAIT!! It’s like a made bed that you decide to unmake. As you remove pieces of the bedding the picture starts to come together and oh what a picture it makes.

“Gone Girl” is excellently executed, a slow churning suspense mystery with plenty of intrigue. You will be on the edge of your seat. The performances of the actors are superb.

This has to be the best Suspense/Mystery/Thriller I have seen in a while…

If you like Suspense/Mystery/Thrillers, “Gone Girl” is your movie.

“Gone Girl” is definitely a must see!!

This is a 4 1/2 Star Movie!!